Monday, July 13, 2009

Questions asked in July of 2009 Part 2

Kim of New Rochelle also asked:
How can we care for the joints of our aging Rottweiler, his legs shake once awhile when he defecates?

As our pets age so do their joints, whenever you notice limping, stiffness, or a change in gait, it is important to have you dog examined by your veterinarian. Different breeds of dog’s age at different rates, once the vet has determined that it is just natural aging and not an injury that needs treatment, you should start your pet on glucosamine and chondroitin, these supplements play an important role in maintaining optimal joint function. Healthy articular (joint) cartilage is crucial to joint utility. Joints generally get worse with time, so the sooner the supplement is started, the more opportunity your pet will have to respond. This supplement can also be started early in your dog’s life as a preventive measure, it should not be started until your dog is over a year of age and the joints are fully developed. This can be especially important for maintaining an active life in large breed dogs, working dogs, and those dogs predisposed to joint problems. Glucosamine and chondroitin supplements can also be used to help support cartilage following joint surgery. Two brands that recommended by vets are Cosequin and Synovi G3, the come in various formulations, but the chewables are the easiest to use just give them like a treat. Cosequin is also, made for cats and horses and recommended for the same reasons.

Questions asked in July of 2009 Part 1

Kim of New Rochelle asked:
When if ever in a dog’s life should you feed your dog more than once a day?

Young puppies should be fed small meals 3 to 4 times daily depending on the breed: their digestive system is not yet developed to handle one large feeding per day. Young puppies are also susceptible to Hypoglycemia or low blood sugar; small dogs such as Chihuahuas, Shih Tzu, and Pugs are at higher risk then a larger dog such as a Boxer. After 6 months of age dogs can be fed 2 times daily; morning and evening. In general feeding dogs 12 hours apart, helps them stay full throughout the day. Small dogs can not fit a whole day’s food portion into their stomach at one time. However, the main reason to avoid once a day feedings is a condition called Gastric Dilation-Volvulus or bloat; large breed deep chested dogs are most susceptible, i.e. Labrador Retrievers, German Shepherds, and Rottweilers. It is seen in dogs that eat one large meal daily and play or exercise after this meal. It often goes unnoticed because dogs cannot verbalize their distress. Symptoms include salivating, panting, flatulence, agitation, futile vomiting, and swelling in the abdomen. More often than not, when your dog is eating large portions and without properly breaking down the food before starting digestion, it leads to one, if not all of these uncomfortable and potentially dangerous conditions.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Pet Care Services

Are you tired of feeling guilty when you leave your dog each morning, knowing it's going to be at least 9 hours before he gets outside again?

Maybe you're sick of racing home at lunch to make sure your puppy gets a potty break?

Or are you anxious about what minor destruction your canine companion will wreak on your shoes while you're gone?

Relax, you're not a bad pet-parent. You can honestly find a way to provide your dog's daily exercise and entertainment needs.

Angell's Cafe is now offering full Service pet care to meet your needs and those of your pet.

  • Dog walking - while working on the basics
  • Pet Sitting
  • Pet Transport
  • Much Much More

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